What is the Birthday Paradox?
1. It isn’t a paradox. 2. It’s easy to solve.
1. It isn’t a paradox. 2. It’s easy to solve.
Solving the Hardest Problem on the Hardest Test
From Napier Table’s To Bernoulli’s Compounding Interest
Known now as “the last representative of the great mathematicians”, von Neumann’s genius was legendary even in his own lifetime. The sheer breadth of stories and anecdotes about his brilliance, from Nobel Prize-winning physicists to world-class mathematicians abound.
From the Big bang to the Heat death of the universe
It’s not because you’re stupid or weren’t concentrating in school
Two envelopes with different amounts of money in them. Choose the better one with a higher chance than fifty-fifty!
Natural numbers were created by God, everything else is the work of men — Kronecker (1823–1891).
In a purely logical argument, even if the premises aren’t in any way (semantically) connected to the conclusion, the argument may still be both valid and sound. Professor Edwin D. Mares displays what he sees as a problem with purely formal logic when he offers us the following example
Motion of a moving particle is considered to be one of the most instructive and useful physical systems one can study. In a real world case, such systems may exhibit immense complexity and intractability. But if we are lucky, we may be able to isolate the moving particle from unwanted
The nature of subsymmetries
The British writer, mathematician and logician Charles Lutwidge Dodgson (which was Lewis Carroll’s real name) worked in the fields of geometry, matrix algebra, mathematical logic and linear algebra. Dodgson was also an influential logician. (He introduced the Method of Trees; which was the earliest use of a truth tree.
A Framework For Defining Geometric Objects In Space
Developing an Intuition for Radicals
The three main contemporary ways to understand the foundations of mathematics.
Why engineers should know their algorithms