Numerical Analysis
Deriving the Quadratic Equation From the Roots Up
Solving Quadratics using gradients at the roots
Numerical Analysis
Solving Quadratics using gradients at the roots
Numerical Analysis
At a young age a builder taught me how to mark out a right angle using the 3,4,5 triangle rule with a tape measure. That math practicality has stuck with me and recently I have been working to decipher it into its ‘LEGO block’ constituents to increase intuitive
Numerical Analysis
A very simple Cubic polynomial root approximation using architectural symmetry and similar triangles
Applying Similar Triangles to approximate roots aided by ‘natural’ Cubic architecture
Rotating cubic roots into managed quadratic segments where the math is easier!
Numerical Analysis
Exploiting the amazing symmetry of cubic polynomials to quickly find the first root using Newton’s method.